Thursday, February 25, 2016

Understanding What I Know

We all know that there's a big difference between knowing something and understanding it. That's never more true than in the Christian life. Every Christian knows the Gospel, but from the time that a person gets saved until they pass into the presence of God, every day is a lesson in what the Gospel actually means. We're constantly unpacking the truths that we already know, which is why a passage of Scripture can hit us like a ton of bricks, even if we already have it memorized.
Today is one of those days when things are just harder. Nothing in particular is wrong. It's just hard. So today is an opportunity to understand something that I already know.
In my time with Him, God led to me to a passage that I've read a hundred times, but it was just what I needed to hear.
May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy,  giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.  He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:11-14
That's what I need! I need God's power and glorious might. I need endurance and patience seasoned with joy. I need a heart that gratefully remembers all that God has already done for me through the sacrifice of His Son. I need to keep living in the light, even when the darkness closes in around me.
I need to understand what I already know.
I am loved by God.
I belong to God.
I've been redeemed by God.
I'm qualified to share in the inheritance given to the saints by God our Father.
I have all of the resources of heaven at my disposal.
I am not alone.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


The book that I've been working on since October is set to be released on March 15th!

The best way to describe the writing process is as "a joyous battle". There have been a lot of struggles in the midst of writing and editing the manuscript, but it has come together and turned into something that I am very excited to share. I have ordered the proof copies for final editing, and I'm very grateful for how God has used the experience to change and mold me.

We Win! starts by looking at the ways that Christ displayed His authority during His time on earth and gives us a glimpse of the kind of Kingdom that God is building for His people. The second part looks at how God gives us victory in our lives.

I am really very anxious to share this book with you, but I just wanted to go ahead and give you a look at the cover and let you know to get ready.

I've started a website with more information about the book, so please feel free to head over and check it out! It will continue to grow as we get closer to the release date.

Sunday, February 7, 2016


This week has been very productive, which is always a fun thing to report!

  • We have secured funds for marketing the church plant, and we have started working to lease billboards in the area.
  • We have gotten a bid and set a date for drywall to be installed in the worship space.
  • We have another awesome mission team scheduled to come up and paint the many surfaces needing painting, as well as work on a few other projects.
  • We planned with our mother church to have a group come and do some basic clean-up.
  • Edwin spoke at a men's breakfast at our mother church and had the opportunity to share about what God is doing.
  • We have organized a campaign to pay for new chairs and pray for their future occupants.

All in all, not a bad week at all.

That being said, that much progress requires a lot of time. Between church planting, Edwin's full time job, my writing, and the kids, every moment has been full. We're a little tired at this point, so please pray that God will give us the energy to keep up with His work and rest when needed. 

We are looking for families who would be interested in adopting a chair that they will fund and pray for on a weekly basis. Imagine for a moment that your prayers could mean the difference between eternal life and eternal death for someone that you've never met! I believe that prayer is incredibly powerful, and this is a really cool way to personally impact people that you may not get the chance to meet in this life. They are very real people who matter deeply to God. We're not looking for one family who wants to sponsor ten chairs. Our desire is to find 150 families and individuals who want to personally invest in one chair that will welcome one person every week. We want you to connect with people through prayer and become a permanent part of their stories. If you would like more information about our Prayers for Chairs program, please click here.