Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Glimpses of Grace: Week 5

After last week's study, I think we're all left with an awareness of our impurity. Imagine the Israelites' reaction. They didn't have the advantage of the cross!
But God didn't leave them without hope. Even before Christ, God desired for the Law to bring His people into relationship with Him. The Law made this possible through the offerings that God described. Through these sacrifices, the priests could atone for the sins of the people, enabling them to enjoy His presence and power at work in their nation.

God carefully detailed the requirements for these sacrifices, so His people could know exactly what it took to receive forgiveness and to have their cleanness restored. In a world of mystical religion and mystery, this was an incredible gift to His people!
As New Testament believers, these laws have even more to say to us. If you're ready to discover these things for yourselves, join me in this week's study by clicking here.

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