Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ministry update: 10.11.15- A Mission Team's A-Coming!

This week we will host our first mission team. My home church (First Baptist Church, Tallassee, Al) is sending an all-star mission team to install new siding on the church building that will eventually house the church body that God will plant here. They will also (graciously) do some work on the parsonage where we live.
We are so very grateful for their willingness and sacrifice to come and serve. We are also very grateful for the opportunity to see some of our extended church family.
Here are some ways that you can be in prayer for this team:
  • Pray for their safety as they travel the long distance from Alabama to New York and back.
  • Pray for their safety as they serve.
  • Pray for good weather that is conducive to the work that they will be doing.
  • Pray that God will knit a burden for the lost people of Jamestown into their hearts.
  • Pray that they will be encouraged by their time here, and that God will speak to each of them personally.
Thank you for your continued prayers!

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